Our development programs focus on:
- Chlor-alkali and chlorinated products (e.g., hypochlorite, chlorate, perchlorate)
- Water Electrolysis for Green Hydrogen production (Alkaline WE, PEM, AEM, and SOEC)
- Anodes for electrometallurgy and electronics (e.g., electrowinning, electro galvanic industry)
- Gas Diffusion Electrodes (GDE) and Membrane Electrode Assemblies (MEA) for Chlor-Alkali, HCl electrolysis, Fuel Cells, hydrogen compression, purification, and gas sensing
- GDEs and Cells designed for CO2 conversion to chemicals and green fuels
- High performing catalytic coating and electrodes for multiple applications
- Water treatment processes for industry and municipal
- Electrodialysis and salt splitting
Our capacity is supported by well-established partnerships and our Network of Universities and Research Centers.