NRG® (Hydrogen Generation Products)

High Performance



Long Life

De Nora cathode coatings

Noble metal based cathode coatings are prepared via a thermal decomposition process, taking advantage of vast experience built on anodes development, industrialization and manufacturing.

Presently, catalytic cathode coating plays a key role in Chlor alkali and AWE operations in:

  • Lowering specific power consumption;
  • Allowing stable operation at high current densities (CD) – up to 8 kA/m2 for CA and 12 kA/m2 for AWE;
  • Ensuring operational robustness capable of withstanding plant upset – stability in reverse currents;
  • Guaranteeing smoot contact surfaces between the electrode and the separator;
  • No impurities generated that could affect the separator performances

Discover More about our technologies

De Nora has developed a new family of cathode coatings manufactured sold under the trade-mark NRG® coating with the following features:

  • use of innovative chloride-free precursors;
  • more ordered crystal lattice;
  • enhanced surface coverage, improved activity;
  • stability and robustness to plant upset (including “REVERSAL CURRENT” phenomena sometimes occurring during plant shutdown in case of insufficient polarization).